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Books & Book Chapters

Feijun Song, and Samuel M. Smith, “Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Control Using Fuzzy Logic” Invited Chapter, Intelligent Control Systems Using Soft Computing Methodologies. CRC Press 2001. pp. 243-260

S.M. Smith, D.T. Anderson, “An Adaptive Variable Structure Fuzzy Logic Controller,” Advances in Fuzzy Theory and Technology Vol 2, P.P. Wang editor, BookWrights Press, 1994, pp. 265-283, book chapter.

S.E. Dunn, S.M. Smith, P. Betzer, T. Hopkins, “Design of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles for Coastal Oceanography,” Underwater Robotic Vehicles: Design and Control, J. Yuh editor, TSI Press, 1994, pp. 299-326, book chapter

S.M. Smith, D.J. Comer, B.R. Nokleby, “A Computational Approach to Fuzzy Logic Controller Design and Analysis Using Cell State Space Methods,” Fuzzy Control Systems, A. Kandel and B. Langholtz Eds., CRC Press, 1993, book chapter.

B. Steer, S.E. Dunn, S.M. Smith, Workshop results on “Advancing and Assessing Autonomy in Underwater Vehicle Technology Through Inter-Institutional Competitions and/or Cooperative Demonstrations,” sponsored by NSF, Boca Raton FL, 1992.

Refereed Articles

Feijun Song and Samuel M. Smith, “Cell-State-Space-Based Search,” IEEE Control System Magazine. August 2002, pp 42-56.

Feijun Song, Edgar An, Samuel M. Smith, “Design of Optimal Robust Nonlinear Controllers for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles with Comparison of Simulated and At-sea Test Data”, Journal of Vibration and Control, Vol. 8, No. 2, 189-217 (2002)

Smith, S.M.; An, P.E.; Holappa, K.; Whitney, J.; Burns, A.; Nelson, K.; Heatzig, E.; Kempfe, O.; Kronen, D.; Pantelakis, T.; Henderson, E.; Font, G.; Dunn, R.; Dunn, S.E, “The Morpheus Ultra Modular Autonomous Underwater Vehicle.” IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, October 2001 vol 26 # 4, Page(s): 453 -465.

Grenon, G.; An, P.E.; Smith, S.M.; Healey, A.J., Enhancement of the inertial navigation system for the Morpheus autonomous underwater vehicles, IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, October 2001 vol 26 # 4, Page(s): 548 -560

Glegg, S.A.L.; Olivieri, M.P.; Coulson, R.K.; Smith, S.M., A passive sonar system based on an autonomous underwater vehicle. IEEE Journal of Ocean Engineering, October 2001 vol 26 # 4, Page(s): 700 -710

Edgar An, Manhar Dhanak, Lynn Shay, Samuel Smith, John Van Leer, “Coastal Oceanography Using a Small AUV”, Transactions of the American Meteorological Society. February 2001 pp 215-234

Alexandre G. Delarue, Samuel M. Smith, P. Edgar An, Eduardo B. Fernandez, “Internet Techniques for AUV Visualization, Data Processing, via GIS,” Sea Technology, May 2000, pp 10-14

J. Fang, S.M. Smith, I. Elishakoff, “Combination of Anti-optimization and Fuzzy-Set-Based Analyses for Structural Optimization Under Uncertainty,” Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Volume 4, pp. 187-200, 1998

A. Neel, L. LeBlanc, J. Park, S.M. Smith, “Peer to Peer Communications Protocol,” Sea Technology, pp 10-15, May 1998

P.E. An, S.M. Smith, “An Experimental Database of the Ocean Explorer AUV for Self-Motion Controlled Study,” IEEE Transactions on Oceanic Engineering, Vol 23 No. 3 July 1998

S.M. Smith, K. Ganesan, P.E. An,S.E. Dunn, “Strategies for Simultaneous Multiple AUV Operation and Control,” International Journal of Systems Science, Vol. 29 No. 10, 1998, pp 1045 -1063

S.M. Smith, V. Kreinovich, “In Cose of Interval Uncertainty, Optimal Control is NP-Hard Even for Linear Plants, so Expert Knowledge is Needed,” APIC ’95, Extended Abstracts, A Supplement to the International Journal of Reliable Computing, 1995, pp 190-193

S.M. Smith, G.J.S. Rae, D.T. Anderson, A.M. Shein, “Fuzzy Logic Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,” Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 2. No. 2, pp. 321Ð331, 1994 (invited)

K.P. Venugopal, S.M. Smith, “Improving the Dynamic Response of Neural Network Controllers Using Velocity Reference Feedback,” IEEE Transactions on Neural Networks, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 355Ð357, March 1993

S.E. Dunn, S.M. Smith, “Ocean Engineering at Florida Atlantic University: A Program Expanding to Meet New Challenges,” Marine Technology Society Journal, Vol. 26, No. 1, pp. 7Ð13, 1992 (invited)

S.M. Smith, D.J. Comer, “Automated Calibration of a Fuzzy Logic Controller Using a Cell State Space Approach,” IEEE Control Systems Magazine, Vol. 11 No. 5, pp. 18Ð28, August 1991 (invited)

Refereed Conference Proceedings

Smith, S. M., Krolik, J., Bilik, I., “Theoretical Passive Sonar Performance of a Cluster of UUV Towed Line Arrays Employing Orientation Diversity,” Oceans 2007 Vancouver

Smith, Samuel M. & Krolik, Jeffery; “Orientation Diversity for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Cluster,” Proceedings MTS/IEEE Oceans ‘06, Boston MA 18 – 21 September 2006; AUV Swarms and Distributed Sensor Processing I,

Walter Tucker, Brian Callahan, Samuel Smith, Adept Systems, Inc., “Application Of Network Fragment Healing Technology To A Reconfigurable Electrical Power System,” 13th SCSS (Ship Control Systems Symposium), Orlando Florida, April 7-9 2003.

Kenneth Lively, SYNTEK Technologies, Inc., USA Donald Dalessandro, Naval Surface Warfare Center/ Carderock Division, USA Samuel Smith, PhD, Adept Systems, Inc., USA, “Complexity Management in Shipboard Automation Architectures Employing Component Level Intelligence,” 13th SCSS (Ship Control Systems Symposium), Orlando Florida, April 7-9 2003.

Feijun Song and Samuel M. Smith, “Applying Incremental Best Estimate Directed Search to Optimize Fuzzy Logic Controllers for a Ball-and-Beam System,” 2002 IEEE World Congress on Computational Intelligence (WCCI 2002), , Honolulu, HI, USA, May 12-17, 2002

K. A. Lively, J. F. Mearman, S. M. Smith, “Next generation platform control: a necessary shift in responsibility from operator to machine,” INEC Conference on The Marine Engineer in the Electronic Age, Glasgow, Scotland, UK, April 23 – 25 2002 Lambiotte, J.C.; Coulson, R.; Smith, S.M.; An, E.; “Results from mechanical docking tests of a Morpheus class AUV with a dock designed for an OEX class AUV,” Oceans ’02 MTS/IEEE Volume 1,  29-31 Oct. 2002 Page(s):260 – 265 vol.1 Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/OCEANS.2002.1193281

Benoit Dupire,Andres Folleco,Samuel M. Smith, “Pattern Oriented Design Of The Convenient Hierarchical Autonomous State Machine Formalism For Auv High Level Control,” Twelfth International Symposium On Unmanned Untethered Submersible Technology (UUST). Durham, New Hampshire, USAAugust 27-29, 2001.

Feijun Song and Samuel M. Smith, “Combination of Adaptive-Network-Based Fuzzy Inference System and Incremental Best Estimate Directed Search,” 10th IEEE-FUZZ 2001, Melbourne Australia, Dec 2-5, 2001

Feijun Song and Samuel M. Smith, “Fast Incremental Best Estimate Directed Search — A Significantly Expedited Algorithm for Takagi-Sugeno Type Fuzzy Logic Controller Automatic Optimization,” 10th IEEE-FUZZ 2001, Melbourne Australia, Dec 2-5, 2001 Feijun Song Samuel M. Smith, “Incremental Best Estimate Directed Search — A Case Study for Symmetrical Systems,” NAFIPS 2001

Feijun Song Samuel M. Smith, “Balanced Random Search and Directed Search for Takagi-Sugeno Type Fuzzy Logic Controller Automatic Optimization,” NAFIPS 2001

Benoit F Dupire, Andres Folleco, Samuel M Smith, “A Python Implementation for the high level control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,” Python World Conference, March 5-8,2001 Long Beach CA.

Samuel M. Smith, P. Edgar An, et al, “Morpheus: Ultra Modular AUV for Coastal Survey and Reconnaissance,” UUV Showcase 2000, Sept. 27-28, Southhampton UK.

Antoine Martin, E. An , K. Nelson, S. Smith, “Obstacle Detection by a Forward Looking Sonar Integrated in an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,” IEEE Oceans 2000, Sept. 11-14, Providence RI

Feijun Song and Samuel M. Smith, “Design of Sliding Mode Fuzzy Controllers for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle without System Model,” IEEE Oceans 2000, Sept. 11-14, Providence RI

Feijun Song and Samuel M. Smith, “Automatic Design and Optimization of Fuzzy Logic Controllers for an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,” IEEE Oceans 2000, Sept. 11-14, Providence RI

G. Grenon Ð Dr. E. An Ð Dr. S. Smith, “Enhancement of the Inertial Navigation System of the Florida Atlantic University Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” UT 2000, Tokyo Japan

Feijun Song and Samuel M. Smith, “Using Least Mean Square Learning Error to Improve Takagi-Sugeno Type Fuzzy Logic Controller Optimization,” NAFIPS 2000, The 19th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, pp.475-479, 2000.

Feijun Song and Samuel M. Smith, “A Comparison of Sliding Mode Fuzzy Controller and Fuzzy Sliding Mode Controller,” NAFIPS’2000, The 19th International Conference of the North American Fuzzy Information Processing Society, pp.480-484, 2000.

F. Song and S.M. Smith, “Cell State Space Based Incremental Best Estimate Directed Search Algorithm for Takagi-Sugeno Type Fuzzy Logic Controller Automatic Optimization,” FUZZ-IEEE 2000, May 7-10, 2000, San Antonio TX,

F. Song and S.M. Smith, “How Blind Can a Blind Fuzzy Logic Controller Design Be? — Analysis of Cell State Space Based Incremental Best Estimate Directed Search Algorithm,” FUZZ-IEEE 2000, May 7-10, 2000, San Antonio TX,

F. Song and S.M. Smith, “Cell State Space Based Incremental Best Estimate Directed Search Algorithm for Robust Fuzzy Logic Controller Optimization with Multi-model Concept,” FUZZ-IEEE 2000, May 7-10, 2000, San Antonio TX,

Feijun Song and Samuel M. Smith, “A simple weight based fuzzy logic controller rule base reduction method,” IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, pp.3794-3799, 2000.

Feijun Song and Samuel M. Smith, “A Takagi-Sugeno type fuzzy logic controller with only 3 rules for a 4 dimensional inverted pendulum system,” IEEE International Conference on System, Man and Cybernetics, pp.3800-3805, 2000.

F. Song, S.M. Smith, C. Rizk, “A General Cell State Space Based TS Type Fuzzy Logic Controller Automatic Rule Extractions and Parameter Optimization Algorithm,” IEEE Industrial Electronics Conference, IECON ’99, November 29 – December 3, 1999, San Jose CA

F. Song, S.M. Smith, C. Rizk, “A Fuzzy Logic Controller Design Methodology for 4D Systems with Optimal Global Performance Using Enhanced Cell State Space Based Best Estimate Directed Search Method,” 1999 IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, October 12-15, 1999, Tokyo Japan

F. Song, S.M. Smith, C. Rizk, “Reducing Memory Requirement of Cell State Space Based Fuzzy Logic Controller Design Approaches Using K-d Trees,” 1999 IEEE International Conference on Systems Man and Cybernetics, October 12-15, 1999, Tokyo Japan

X. Yuan, K. Ganesan, M. Evett, S.M. Smith, “Providing Real-time Data Trajectory Access in Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” Proceeding IEEE Oceans ’99 Conference, September 13-16, 1999, Seattle WA

X. Yuan, K. Ganesan, S. Snowden, S.M. Smith, M. Evett, “Mission Command Macros For Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” Proceeding IEEE Oceans ’99 Conference, September 13-16, 1999, Seattle WA

A. Delarue, S.M. Smith, P.E. An, “AUV Data Processing and Visualization Using GIS and Internet Techniques,” Proceeding IEEE Oceans ’99 Conference, September 13-16, 1999, Seattle WA

M. Dhanak, E. An, K. Holappa, S. Smith, “Using Small AUVs for Oceanographic Measurements,” Proceeding IEEE Oceans 99 Conference, September 13-16, 1999, Seattle WA

G. Grenon, P.E. An, S.M. Smith, “Enhancement of the Inertial Navigation System,” Proceeding IEEE Oceans ’99 Conference, September 13-16, 1999, Seattle WA (??)

David Mallinson, David Naar, Albert Hine, Doug Wilder, Samuel Smith, Stephen Schock, “Seafloor Mapping and Target Identification Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles: Applied AUV Experiments in Nearshore Settings of Florida,” UUST ’99, August 23-25, 1999, Durham NH

F. Song, S.M. Smith, C. Rizk, “Optimized Fuzzy Logic Controller Design for 4D Systems Using Cell State Space Technique with Reduced Mapping Error,” IEEE Conference On Fuzzy Systems, FUZZ-IEEE ’99, August 23- 25, 1999, Seoul Korea

S.M. Smith, D. Kronen, R. Dunn, J. Whitney, J. Frankenfield, P.E. An, T. Pantelakis, A. Burns, E. Hetzig, “An Ultra Modular Plastic Mini AUV Platform for VSW Mine Reconnaissance,” SPIE Aerosense, 1999, April 5-9, 1999, Orlando FL

S.M. Smith, P.E. An, R. Christiansen, J. Kloske, S. Snowden, D. Kronen, L. Marquis, “Results of an Experiment Using AUVs for Shallow Water Mine Reconnaissance,” SPIE Aerosense, 1999, April 5-9, 1999, Orlando Florida

Edgar An, Manhar R Dhanak, Stanley Dunn and Sam Smith, “Regional Oceanography Using A Small AUV,” UUVS 98, Sept. 1998, Southhampton England

L. Freitag, M. Grund, S. Singh, S.M. Smith, R. Christenson, L Marquis, J. Catipovic, “A Bidirectional Coherent Acoustic Communications System for Underwater Vehicles,” IEEE Oceans ’98, Sept 18 – Oct 1, 1998, Nice France

J. Cairns, E. Larnicol, P. Ananthakrishnan, S.M. Smith, “Design of AUV Propeller Based on a Blade Element Method,” Proceedings of the IEEE Oceans ’98 Conference, October 1998, Nice France

J. Whitney, S.M. Smith, “Observations on the Dynamic Performance of Tunnel Thrusters,” IEEE Oceans ’98, Sept 18-Oct 1, 1998, Nice France

P.E. An, G. Bayard, K. Ganesan, S.M. Smith, “A Cooperative Data Management Scheme for AUV Applications,” IEEE Oceans ’98, Sept 18-Oct 1, 1998, Nice France

L. Lin, D. Marco, P.E. An, K. Ganesan, S.M. Smith, T. Healey, “Modeling and Sumulation for the FAU AUVS,” IEEE Oceans’ 98, Sept 18-Oct 1, 1998, Nice France

A.R. Girard, S.M. Smith, K. Ganesan, “A Convenient Format for Discrete Event Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” IARP Workshop on AUVs for Shallow Water and Coastal Environments, Feb 17-19, 1998, Lafayette LA

S.M. Smith, J. Park, “Navigational Data Fusion in the Ocean Explorer AUVs,” UT ’98, April 15-17, 1998, Tokyo Japan

S.M. Smith, R.T Dunn, “A new mini modular AUV,” UT ’98, April 15-17,1998, Tokyo Japan (presented but not included in published proceedings)

S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, K.A. White, “Shipboard Automation using CLDCS,” ASNE Symposium 1998, Jan 27-30, 1998, Biloxi MS

S.M. Smith, K. Ganesan, J. Park, “Dynamically-evaluated Priority-based, Multiple-command Queue and Control Structures for an Autonomous Underwater Robot,” Florida Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, March 26-27, 1998, FLAIRS-98, Melbourne FL

S.M. Smith, J. Park, J. Rivero, T. Pantelakis, E. Henderson, P.E. An, “ Development of Hydrographic Survey Capabilities on lthe Ocean Explorer AUV,” Oceanology ’98, March10-13, 1998, Brighton UK

P. Anathakrishnan, S. Vantourouz, K. Zhang, S.M. Smith, “Nonlinear Dynamics and Hydrodynamics Considerations in the Design of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,” Oceanology ’98, March 10-13,1998, Brighton UK

S.M. Smith, P.E. An, J. Park, L. Shay, H. Peters, J. VanLeer, “4.8 Submesoscale Coastal Ocean Dynamics Using Autonomous Underwater Vehicles and HF Radar,” Second Conference on Coastal Atmospheric and Oceanic Predictions and Processes, January11-16, 1998, Phoenix AZ

S.M. Smith, D. Kronen, “Experimental Results of an Inexpensive Short Baseline Acoustic Positioning System for AUV Navigation,” IEEE Oceans, October 6-9, 1997, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada

S.M. Smith & J.C. Park, “A Peer-to-peer Communication Protocol for Underwater Acoustic Communication,” IEEE Oceans, October 6-9, 1997, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada

P.E. An, A.J. Healey, J. Park, S.M. Smith, “Asynchronous Data Fusion For AUV navigation Via Heuristic Fuzzy Filtering Techniques,” IEEE Oceans, October 6-9, 1997, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada

X. Chen, D. Marco. S.M. Smith, P.E. An, K. Ganesan, T. Healey, “6 DOF Nonlinear AUV Simulation Toolbox,” IEEE Oceans, October 6-9, 1997, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada

S.M. Smith, S. McPhail, A. Healey, R. Russell, “LONTalk as a Standard Protocol for Underwater Sensor Platforms,” IEEE Oceans, October 6-9, 1997, Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada

D.M. Kronen, S.M. Smith, J.C. Frankenfield, K. Bryan, R.T. Dunn, “Introduction to the Docking Facility of the Ocean Explorer Series Autonomous Undetwater Vehicles,” 10th UUSI, Sept 7-10, 1997, Durham NH

D. Mallinson, D. Naar, A. Hine. M. Hafen, S. Schock, S.M. Smith, J. Kloske, Guy Gelfenbaum, D. Wilson, D. Lavoie, M. Richardson, “Acoustic Seafloor Mapping Using the AUV Ocean Explorer,” 10th UUSI, Sept 7-10, 1997, Durham NH

S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, K.A. White, and L. Marquis, “Component Level Intelligent Distributed Control for Ship Automation,” IMDEX 1997, October 7-10, 1997 Greenwich London UK

S.M. Smith, “Modular UUV Architectures: Structure, Control, and Power: Issues and Experiences,” SOC UUV Showcase, Sept 24-25, 1997, Southhampton UK (invited)

C. G. Rizk, S.M. Smith, “Automatic Design of Nonlinear Controllers with Optimal Global Performance Using Best Estimate Directed Search and Continued Propagation Cell Mapping,” 1997 IEEE SMC, October 12-15, 1997, Orlando Florida

P.E. An, S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, X. Chen, L. Mu, “New Experimental Results on Shallow-Water Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Motion in Controlled Environments,” 7th International Offshore and Polar Engineering Conference, ISOPE-97, May 25-30, 1997, Honolulu Hawaii

S.M. Smith, P.E. An, K. Ganesan, J. Park, S.E. Dunn, “Design and Applications of Field Reconfigurable Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” Underwater Intervention Conference, February 17-19, 1997, Houston TX

S.M. Smith, P.E. An, D. Dronen, K. Ganesan, J. Park, S.E. Dunn, “The Development of Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Based Survey and Sampling Capabilities for Coastal Exploration,” IEEE Oceans 1996, Sept. 23 -26, 1996, Ft. Lauderdale FL

K. Holappa, M. Dhanak, S.M. Smith, P.E. An, “Ocean Flow Measurement Using an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,” 1996 IEEE Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology, June 2-6, 1996, Monterey CA, .

P.E. An, A.J. Healey, S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, “New Experimental Results on GPS/INS Navigation for Ocean Voyager II AUV,” 1996 IEEE Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology, June 2-6, 1996, Monterey CA

K. Ganesan, S.M. Smith, K. White, T. Flanigan, “A Pragmatic Software Architecture for UUVs,” 1996 IEEE Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology, June 2-6, 1996, Monterey CA

K.A. White, S.M. Smith, K. Ganesan, D. Kronen, G.J.S. Rae, R.M. Langenbach, “Performance Results of a Fuzzy Behavioral Altitude Flight Controller and Rendezvous and Docking of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle with Fuzzy Control,” 1996 IEEE Symposium on Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Technology, June 2-6, 1996, Monterey CA

P.R. Betzer, S.E. Dunn, S.M. Smith, R.H. Byrne, K.L. Carder, P.G. Coble, D.K. Costello, K.A. Fanning. T.L. Hopkins, “SedimentÑWater Interaction on Continental Shelves,” American Geophysical Union 1996 Ocean Sciences Meeting

S.M. Smith, P.E. An, K. Ganesan, and S.E. Dunn, “Strategies for Simultaneous Multiple AUV Operation and Control,” IARP ’96 Symposium, March 27-29, 1996, Toulon France

S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, P.E. An, “Data Collection with Multiple AUVs for Coastal Oceanography,” Oceanology ’96, March 5-8, 1996, Brighton UK

P.E. An, G. Leavitt, S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, “A Quantitative Measure of Sea-State Effect on Small Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Motion in Shallow Water,” Oceanology ’96, March 5-8, 1996, Brighton UK

C. Rizk, S.M. Smith, “Automatic Design and Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Controllers Using Cell Mapping the Least Mean Square Algorithm,” Joint Conference on Information Sciences, Sept 28-Oct 1 1995, Wrightsville Beach NC

S.M. Smith, K. Ganesan, T. Flanigan, L. Marquis, “The Intelligent Distributed Control System Architecture in the Ocean Voyage II and Ocean Explorer Vehicles,” 9th International Symposium on Untethered Submersible Technology, Sept. 25-27, 1995, Durham NH

C. Vasudevan, S. M. Smith, K. Ganesan, “Collision Avoidance by Dynamic Path Selection and Fuzzy Behavior Control,” 9th International Symposium on Untethered Submersible Technology, Sept. 25-27, 1995, Durham NH

M. Xu, S.M. Smith “ A Fuzzy Sliding Controller for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” 9th International Symposium on Untethered Submersible Technology, Sept. 25-27, 1995, Durham NH

K.A. White, S.M. Smith “Fuzzy Behavioral Controllers Using Criteria Base Decision Making for Bottom Following Missions in AUVs,” 9th International Symposium on Untethered Submersible Technology, Sept. 25-27, 1995, Durham NH

S.M. Smith, K.Heeb, N. Frolund, T. Pantelakis, “The Ocean Explorer AUV: A Modular Platform for Coastal Oceanography,” 9th International Symposium on Untethered Submersible Technology, Sept. 25-27, 1995, Durham NH

S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, T. Hopkins, K. Heeb, T. Pantelakis, “The Application of a Modular AUV to Coastal Oceanography: Case Study on the Ocean Explorer,” IEEE Oceans ’95 Conference, October 9-12, 1995, San Diego CA

M. Xu, S M. Smith, P.E. An, “A Setpoint Controller of Nonlinear Second Order Systems Using Nonlinear Sliding Curve Based on Fuzzy Inference, with Application to Underwater Vehicles,” Fourth IEEE Conference on Control Applications, Sept. 28-29, 1995, Alabany NY

M. Xu, S.M. Smith, “Use of Sliding Mode Controller Functions in a TSK type FLC,” SPIE Aerosense ’95, SPIE Proceedings, Vol. 2493, April 19-21, 1995

C. Vasudevan, K. Ganesan, S.M. Smith, “A Fuzzy-CBR Scheme for Reactive Nvigation of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” FLAIRS ’95, April 27-29, 1995, Melbourne Beach FL S.E. Dunn, S.M. Smith, P. Betzer, T. Hopkins, “Integrated Sensors and UUVTechnologies for Coastal Ocean Applications,” COSU ’95, May 1995, Yokohama Japan

S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, “The Ocean Explorer AUV: A Modular Platform for Coastal Sensor Deployment,” Autonomous Vehicles in Mine Countermeasures Symposium, Naval Postgraduate School, April 4-7, 1995

S.M. Smith, “Modular Low-cost AUV Systems Design,” NSF/ISR Workshop on Undersea Robotics and Intelligent Contro, March 2-3, 1995, Lisbon Portual (invited)

S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, “Ocean Engineering Systems for Ocean Resorces and Deep Ocean Waters,” NSF- US/Taiwan Workshop on Deep Ocean Engineering, Jan 1995, Taipeis Taiwan

S.E. Dunn, S.M. Smith, P. Betzer, T. Hopkins, “Cost Effective AUV/Sensor Systems for Commercial, Scientific, and Environmental Applications,” UJNR Conference on Marine Facilities and Technology, 1994, Tokyo Japan

S.M. Smith, “An Approah to Intelligent Distributed Control for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” IEEE AUV, July, 1994, Cambridge MA,

S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, “The Ocean Voyager II: An AUV Designed for Coastal Oceanography,” IEEE AUV, July 1994, Cambridge MA,

S.M. Smith, “A Variable Structure Fuzzy Logic Controller With Run-time Adaptation,” FUZZ-IEEE 1994, June 1994, Orlando FL

M. Xu, S.M. Smith, “Adaptive Fuzzy Logic Depth Controller for Variable Buoyancy System of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” FUZZ-IEEE 1994, June 1994, Orlando FL S.M. Smith, “Implications of Low-Cost Distributed Control Systems in UUV Design,” AUVS Conference, May 1994, Detroit MI,

S.M. Smith, P. Betzer, S.E. Dunn, T. Hopkins, “Development of Cost Effective AUV-Sensor Systems for Coastal Oceanography,” Oceanology International Conference, March 1994, Brighton UK

S.M. Smith, D.T. Anderson, “An Adaptive Variable Structure Fuzzy Logic Controller,” Fuzzy Theory and Technology Conference, 1993, Durham NC

S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, P. Betzer, D. White, “AUV Development for Coastal Ocean Research,” AUVS 20th Annual Technical Symposium and Exhibition, June 1993, Washington DC (invited)

G.J.S. Rae, S.M. Smith, D.T. Anderson, A.M. Shein, “A Fuzzy Logic Docking Algorithm for Two Moving Underwater Vehicles,” American Control Conference, June 1993, San Francisco CA (in press)

K.P. Venugopal, S.M. Smith, “Use of Velocity Reference Feedback in Neural Network Controllers,” ACC, June 1993, San Francisco CA (in press)

S.M. Smith, G.J.S. Rae, D.T. Anderson, “Applications of Fuzzy Logic to the Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,” FUZZ-IEEE ’93, March 1993

S.M. Smith, G.J.S. Rae, D.T. Anderson, A.M. Shein, “Fuzzy Logic Control of an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle,” 1st IFAC International Workshop on Intelligent Autonomous Vehicles, April 1993, UK

S.M. Smith, B. Steer, A. Shein, D.T. Anderson, G.J.S. Rae, “The Design and Implementation of a Real-time UUV Control System Using Fuzzy Logic, Hardware-in-the-loop Simulation, and Sensor Based Navigation,” International Advanced Robotics Programme Workshop, 1992, Genoa Italy

G.J.S. Rae, S.M. Smith, “A Fuzzy Rule Based Docking Procedure for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles,” Proceedings IEEE-Oceans ’92, October 1992, Newport RI

 D.T. Anderson, S.M. Smith, “Use of Fuzzy Logic in an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Flight Control System,” Fuzzy Theory and Technology Conference, 1992, Durham NC  S.M. Smith, D.J. Comer, “An Algorithm for Automated Fuzzy Logic Controller Tuning,” IEEE International Conference on Fuzzy Systems, March 1992

S.M. Smith, D.J. Comer, “Automated Fuzzy Logic Controller Calibration and Performance Evaluation,” IFSICC, March 1992

 S.M. Smith, D.J. Comer, “Self-Tuning of a Fuzzy Logic Controller Using A Cell State Space Algorithm,” Proceedings of the 1990 IEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, November 1990.

Nonrefereed Publications

ProSapien Technical Reports: 01AA – 01AD, 02BA – 02BF, 03CA – 03CB

WRADIA Next-Generation, Unifying Architecture for Intelligent Agents in Automation, Samuel M. Smith Ph.D, Adept Systems Incorporated White Paper 26 October, 2004.

Reconfiguration of Component Level Control Network Automation Systems, ONR STTR Phase II Final Report, Topic Number: N01-T004, STTR Proposal Number: N2-0419, Phase II Contract #: N00014-02-C-0328, Samuel M. Smith Ph.D., Adept Systems Inc., 17 February 2004.

Total Ship Affordable Survivable Automation Using Enhanced FireWire B (1394 B), Samuel M Smith, Adept Systems Inc, Whitepaper, October 1, 2003.

Development of a LonTalk Drive Chip (LDC) for High Performance Custom LonTalk Nodes, ONR SBIR Phase II Final Report, Topic #: N00-085,Contract #: N00014-01-C-0324, Samuel M. Smith, Adept Systems Inc, 11 July 2003.

Samuel Smith, Survivable Automation for Critical Systems Infra-structure, Presentation, LonWorld 2002 Conference, Toronto Ontario Canada, Oct 31 – Nov 1, 2002.

Component Level, Multimedia Communication Technology for Survivability, NAVY ONR SBIR Phase I Final Report, Topic #: N01-134, Contract #: N00014-02-M-0024, S.M. Smith, J. A. Park, Adept Systems Inc, May 25, 2002

Reconfiguration of Component Level Control Network Automation Systems, Navy STTR Phase I Final Report, STTR Topic #: N01-T004, Contract # N00014-01-M-0211,S. M. Smith, J. C. Park, D. H. Scheidt, Adept Systems Inc. December 17, 2001.

Survivable Shipboard (CLIDCS) Automation Infrastructure Development, Final Report, Contract # N00014-99-C-0384, Data Item # A0012, July 30, 2001, Adept Systems Incorporated

Development of a LonTalk Drive Chip (LDC) for High Performance Custom LonTalk Nodes, ONR SBIR Phase I Option Report, Topic Number: N00-085, Contract #:N00014-00-0087, Samuel Smith, Mark T. Bowman, Larry P. Marquis, John J. Webb, Adept Systems Inc., 30 April 2001

Development of a LonTalk Drive Chip (LDC) for High Performance Custom LonTalk Nodes, ONR SBIR Phase I Final Report: Topic Number: N00-085, Contract #:N00014-00-0087, Samuel M. Smith, Rafael Picon, Larry Marquis, Adept Systems Inc. 26 October, 2000 Smith S.M., “Self-healingANSI 709.1 Network Architecture,” LonWorld 2000 Conference, Orlando Fl, Oct 17-18, 2000

Smith S.M., Lively, K., “Survivable Shipboard Automation”, LonWorld 2000 Conference, Orlando Fl, Oct 17-18, 2000

Self-Healing Component Level Intelligent Distributed Control Networks for a Survivable Shipboard Automation Infrastructure, Final Report, Contract #N00167-99-C-0005, Data Item # 003 Scientific and Technical Report N00024-BAA-4103, September 15, 2000, Adept Systems Incorporated

Kevin A. White & Samuel M. Smith, Reliable Shipboard Damage Control Using Component Level Intelligent Distributed Control Systems (CLIDCS), Final Report DCARM Phase I SBIR, Adepts Systems Inc., 1999.

Samuel Smith, Kevin White , Stan Dunn, Sangeeta Gupta, Dependable Network Topologies With Network Fragment Healing for C.L.I.D.C.S. for Naval Shipboard Automation, Document Revision 1.2, February 18, 1999, Contract N00167-96-D-0053/0001

D. Taylor Anderson, Samuel M. Smith, Eric Heatzig, Tom Pantelakis, “The High Performance Standard Node”, LonWorld Conference, Amsterdam Netherlands October 13-15, 1999

S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, K.A. White, “Reliable Intelligent Distributed Control Architectures for Ship Automation”, UJNR 22nd Mtg, Marine Facilities Panel, Oct 25- Nov 4,1998, Washington DC

S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, K.A. White, “Application of Intelligent Distributed Control to Ship Automation,” UJNR Marine Facilities Meeting, May 17-28, 1997, Tokyo Japan

S.M. Smith, K. Ganesan, B.L. Jacobson, “Design of a C Language Reference Implementation of the LonTalk Protocol on the MC68360,” LonUsers Conference, Oct 29-30, 1996, Nice France

S. Lipka, S.M. Smith, S.E. Dunn, “The Capstone Engineering Design Process in Ocean Engineering at Florida Atlantic University,” ASEE Conference, 1993

S.M. Smith, “Fuzzy Set Theory and Practical Engineering,” Joint Conference on Recent Advances in Solid Mechanics, 1992, Boca Raton FL (abstract)

S.M. Smith, “Robotics Applications of Fuzzy Decision-making Techniques for Simultaneous Multiple Elastic Constraint Resolution,” Conference on Recent Advances in Robotics, June 1992, Boca Raton FL

B. Steer on behalf of S.E. Dunn, J. Cuschieri, K. Ganesan, J. Kloske, L. LeBlanc, A. Pandya, A. Shein, S. Schock, S.M. Smith, K. Venugopal, “Steps Towards Unmanned Underwater Sensor Based Robotic-systems for the Exploration and Use of the World’s Oceans,” Proceedings of the US/France International Workshop, May 1992, Toulon France

S. Budge, S.M. Smith, M. Christiansen, “LFA ROC Analysis Using Vector Quantization of Sonar Display Data,” BYU/Hughes Internal Research Report, Nov 1986

Notable Presentations

Guest Lecture MBARI Seminar Series 12/13/2000

Invited Panelist at International AUV workshop Kona Hawaii October 29-Nov 3, 2000. Invited Presenter at AUV Workshop, Hannover World Expo 2000 September 21, 2000 “Development & Operation of Multiple Autonomous Underwater Vehicles”

Invited Panelist, Fifth Joint Conference on Information Sciences JCIS Feb 27-Mar 3, 2000, Atlantic City NJ

Invited Panelist, Modular UUVs Architectures, SOC IOS UUV Conference and Showcase Sept 1997, Southhampton UK

Naval Studies Board Review Panel, National Academy of Sciences, August 1996 Invited presentation on Component Level Intelligent Distributed Control Systems for Naval Shipboard Automation.

“Systematic Approach to Fuzzy Logic Controller Design,” Rockwell Science Center, Thousand Oaks CA, July 1991

“Cell-to-cell Mapping Analysis of Fuzzy Logic Controllers,” McDonnell Douglas, March 1991, Houston TX

Dissertations and Theses Supervised

Committee member for Acoustic Source Localization in A Multipath Environment Using a Maneuverable Array, MS Duke, Jeffrey S. Rogers.

Pattern-Oriented Design of a Dynamically Reconfigurable Software Architecture for AUV High-Level Control, M.S. FAU August 2001, Benoit F. Dupire (Chair)

Development and Analysis of Real Time Software for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, FAU 2001 M.S., Thomas Flanigan M.S. (Chair)

Cross-Correlation of Phase Centers to Estimate Direction-of-Arrival for a 3 Row Bathymetric Sidescan Sonar, FAU May 2001, M.S. Edward T.G. Crenshaw, (Committee)
A Post Processing Kalman Smoother for Underwater Vehicle Navigation, FAU May 2001, M.S. Einar Irgens Gustafson, (committee)

Software Development of a Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation and a 3D Viewer for Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, FAU May 2000, M.S. Frederi Mahieu, (committee)
Obstacle Detection by a Forward Looking Sonar Integrated in an Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, FAU August 2000, M.S. Antoine Martin, (Committee)

Enhancement Of The Inertial Navigation System for The Florida Atlantic University Autonomous Underwater Vehicles. FAU August 2000, M. S. Gabriel Grenon, (Committee)
Implementation of the Ocean Explorer AUV Dock for Use with the Morpheus AUV, FAU May 2001, M.S. Joseph C. Lambiotte Jr., (Chair)

Modular Application Server Design for AUV Data Network Access and Distributed Processing, FAU August 2000, M.S. Alexandre G. Delarue, (Chair)

A Feasibility Study On Using LonWorks Power Line Transceivers for Underwater communications, FAU August 2000 M.S., Jennifer C. Powell, (Chair)

Cell State Space Based Fuzzy Logic Controller Automatic Design and Optimization for High Order Systems, FAU December 1999, Ph.D. Feijun Song (Chair)

Hardware In The Loop Simulation of Generic Nodes Using Lontalk, FAU 1999, M.S. Sangeeta Gupta (Chair)

A Convenient State Machine Formalism for High Level Control of Autonomous Underwater Vehicles, FAU 1998, M.S. Anouck Girard, (Chair)

An Experimental Investigation of the Design and Performance of Small Diameter Tunnel Thrusters, FAU 1998, M.S. James W. Whitney Jr. (Chair)

Docking the Ocean Explorer Autonomous Underwater Vehicle Using a Low Cost Acoustic Positioning System and A Fuzzy Logic Guidance Algorithm, FAU 1997, M.S. David Kronen (Chair)

Obstacle Avoidance and Emergency Handling For AUVs, FAU 1997, M.S. Huilin Gan (Co Chair) (Computer Science students had to have a Co-Chair from the Computer Science Faculty even though they were supported by the Ocean Engineering Department Projects.)

Global Optimized Best Estimate Directed Search, FAU August 1997, Ph.D. Charbel Rizk (Chair)

Data and Information Communication Through Piping Network, FAU May 1997, M.S. Elhoussain Elmoutia (Co Chair)

Design and Implementation of An Altitude Flight Controller for The FAU Ocean Voyager II, FAU April 1996, M.S. Kevin White (Chair)

High Performance and Robust Control, FAU April 1996, Ph.D. Xu Min (Chair)

Case Based Reasoning for Mission Planning, Control, and Decision-Making FAU 1995, Ph.D. Cheranellore Vasudevan (Co-Chair) (Computer Science students had to have a Co-Chair from the Computer Science Faculty even though they were supported by the Ocean Engineering Department Projects.)

A Fuzzy Logic Based Flight Control System for the FAU “Ocean Voyager” Autonomous Underwater Vehicle, FAU April 1993, M.S. D. Taylor Anderson (Chair)