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Samuel M. Smith, Ph.D., is the founder and owner of ProSapien LLC. ProSapien is a technology research and development company (founded in 2005), based in Lindon, Utah. It specializes in intelligent systems development including network automation and autonomous system software. He has deep experience in web based process automation system design and architecture, both back-end and front-end, as well as extensive experience in both industrial and government funded commercial development and partnering.

In 1984, Dr. Smith founded Adept Systems Inc., where he serves as president. Adept is a technology manufacturing company, focused on network automation infrastructure products using open standard protocols. These include, but are not limited to, LonTalk, Zigbee, and Internet Protocol based systems. Adept has a product line of smart LonTalk over IP devices and has participated in DoD sponsored research in survivable automation systems.

Educational background includes B.S., M.S. (1987), and Ph.D. (1991) degrees in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Brigham Young University (BYU). He was a member of the Ocean Engineering Department faculty at Florida Atlantic University from 1991 until 2001. He received the FAU researcher of the year award in 1999 and also attained full professor status. Dr. Smith was Director of the Advanced Marine Systems Lab. He has over 120 publications in the fields of intelligent control, survivable network automation, autonomous systems, simulation, computational search, and expert systems, including seven book chapters, 20 journal papers, and 100 refereed conference papers. He has also served as a part-time Research/Adjunct Professor at BYU.

He has over 20 years experience in network automation, cloud based computing, intelligent control, embedded systems design, and autonomous vehicles. He was the principle investigator and architect for the survivable network automation system on ONR’s AFloat Lab demonstration ship and was also chief architect on three generations of autonomous underwater vehicles including all phases of design such as software, electronics, and hardware. Research includes participation in the ONR’s Persistent Littoral Underwater Surveillance program

Dr. Smith has been principle investigator on over 18 million dollars in sponsored research (combined academic and industrial).

Dr. Smith served as chairman of the EIA/CEA/ANSI 852.1 working group on the EIA committee for the EIA/ANSI 709.1 and 852 networking protocols (IP tunneling of component automation networks). He wrote the C reference implementation of the ANSI 709.1 protocol that is included in the specification. He was a reviewer of the draft Army Corp of Engineers Unified Facilities Guide Specifications (UFGS-UMCS). He has been a reviewer of NSF proposals and served on an NSF review board for EPRI. He has been a technical committee member at several IEEE conferences as well as a reviewer for several conferences. Dr. Smith was an associate editor of IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems and has been a reviewer for IJAR, IEEE SMC, FS&S, Information Sciences among others. He has also been a session chair at numerous technical conferences. He was an invited participant at several NSF sponsored IARP workshops. He was a finalist for best paper at two successive FT&T conferences. Dr Smith was invited to present at the National Academy of Sciences for the Naval Studies Review Board on survivable shipboard automation.

Honor society commendations include: Sigma Xi, Tau Beta Pi, Etta Kappa Nu, and Phi Kappa Phi.